By the end of last year we talked about the the need to find new and imaginative solutions to tackle the crisis situation we are facing, and international public procurement and competitive bidding seems to be one of the most outstanding business opportunities, both for big or small companies, in the current uncertain scenario. It is within this same context, that the European Commission has decided to promote best practices to facilitate access of SMEs to public procurement contracts. This strategy involves, among other things, to provide companies with access to information about tender opportunities and offering them the tools they require in order to succeed in a highly competitive market.
Following this approach, the ILI Programme comes up as a means to bring Spanish companies, especially SMEs, closer to the business opportunities international competitive bidding market can offer them. Companies taking part in the ILI Programme will get familiar with the procedures and mechanisms for international competitive bidding. For that purpose, they will count on the advice from an authorised specialist appointed by the Spanish National Council of Chambers of Commerce, who will guide their first steps. Therefore, a consultant from Gateway S.C.S. has been one of the first nine authorised consultants to be appointed within the ILI Programme.
This will be one more good opportunity to share the knowledge Euroalert.net has gained in public procurement issues with its service of daily publication of Calls for Tenders from the European Union and some International Multilateral Organizations.
The experience you all, our subscribers, provide us with your suggestions, allowing us to improve our technology to automatically display and distribute these business opportunities using Euroalert.net widgets and web services, have with no doubt contributed to the appointment of Gateway S.C.S. to the ILI Programme.
We are now looking forward to getting started and transform all the knowledge that our participation in this new initiative will bring us, into new services and improvements for Euroalert.net, so all the community can benefit from them.