If you already have your Euroalert.net API key for the EU Calls for Proposals widget, you will not need a new one for this new widget. They can both coexist along-side one another in the same page, as you can see in the right sidebar of this blog, where we have installed both of them as an example. But if you don't have your API key yet, all you need to do is sign up with the Condelway platform.
We are not telling you any news about how to install, customize and use this widget, because this information is exactly the same we gave you last week, when we announced the release of its twin brother, the widget that allows you to publish EU Calls for Proposals. All the necessary documentation and examples are available on the EU news widget page within the section Widgets and tools for the Euroalert.net community.
We would especially like to thank our friend Macarena from La Oreja de Europa for her her input whilst launching the new widget.
In Euroalert.net we will keep on working to provide you the best information contents about the European Union as well as the best tools to make them useful for your websites.