"O-gov: creating value through the reuse of public sector information" is the title of the panel in which Euroalert.net will participate as a speaker, and it will analyze the importance of reuse public sector information, an activity that moves in Europe between 26 and 47 billion euros.
José Luis Marín, director of Euroalert.net, will participate in this round table along with several experts in the field of reuse from both public and private sector. The full list of speakers is already available, and it is composed by:
- Juan Pelegrin - Unit of Access to Information of Directorate General Information Society, European Commission
- Carlos de la Fuente - Area Director of Technology CTIC Foundation and representative on the W3C advisory Comitee
- D. Chris Corbin - - Financial Analyst PSI Platform
- Angel Maldonado Elvira - Founder Legalsolo.com
- Carlos Alonso - President of ASEDIE
- Jaime Gómez Obregón - Responsible for El Precio de la Gasolina
David Cierco Jimenez de Parga, Director General for Development of Information Society of the spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism Affairs, will chair the debate on the economic importance of Public Sector Information, where Euroalert.net will explain how it adds value to information about business opportunities and financing projects to create innovative services to all of you.
We wait for you on Thursday November 19 at 15:30 pm in Room 2. You are still in time to get registered in the web of FICOD for free!
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