The European Commission is betting high to boost the Future Internet, so European industry might have a key role in its creation thanks to the knowledge on new technologies which are to be developed under these ambitious R&D projects.
As you already know Euroalert.net has recently been a case study thanks to the innovative characteristics of its technology and business model, which combines some of the paradigms appeared under Web 2.0 wave of innovation. We are working on making our technology for digital contents distribution a relevant case in the so-called Internet of Services, so we think we might be an attractive real case for many projects. If any of you think that we might provide a valuable contribution from the point of view of a small company who competes globally in this Future Internet, don't hesitate and send us an email.
If something got clear after seeing the amount of participants and presentations that were made at the Info Day, is the great interest this call for proposals of the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) is stirring up - and this, even a long time before the publication of ICT FP7 - Call 5 in the OJEU, what is due to happen by July 31st.
We also had the opportunity to meet a few old friends of us, some of them really by surprise like Ana Cidad and Tanja Vos from the Research Center on Software Production Methods from the UPV (Spain). As it is always the case in this type of events we met a lot of researchers with whom we shared interests and concerns, and with whom we expect to develop productive collaborations in a close future.
Here are some of the pictures we took at the event and, by the way, just apologize to our friends from GPM Factoría de Internet for having lost the picture of their presence at the Info Day. Good luck with your project for this call for proposals:
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