Thanks to the strength of this Community you are all part of, and to the confidence you keep on putting on us despite these times of crisis, we can offer you an even better Euroalert.net, with higher quality, more contents and new sections with daily information.
Over the last years multilateral organizations have become a very important target for companies seeking commercial opportunities within their strategy to internationalize their products and services. Winning a contract with one of those organizations is a great opportunity to enter a market or to expand business activity in one country or region. Moreover, trade promotion institutions all over the world have put in place different initiatives within their programmes for internationalization in order to facilitate access to these companies to international tendering procedures.
Euroalert.net couldn't be alien to the growing interest for this market, especially having the opportunity to take advantage of the expertise that our colleagues from the Gateway, S.C.S. Consultancy Division can bring to us. This experience is backed by the qualification granted to provide consultancy services to companies within the ILI Programme of the Spanish National Council of Chambers of Commerce (whose official award announcement in the OJEU was, of course, published by Euroalert.net).
Although tender forecasts, as well as their full tender announcements, awards, corrigenda, etc., were already published in Euroalert.net public procurement and commercial opportunities section, with this new structure we will provide companies with a quick access to the information related to tender procedures in different multilateral organizations, offering a new useful tool to succeed in this quite competitive market.
To give place to this new section, Euroalert.net website heading has been fully reorganised and a new section called EU Funding now replaces the traditional EU Programmes and Calls for Proposals. All the contents related to funding opportunities for projects available under the different European Union programmes and initiatives have been organized within this new tab.
As a complement to introduce the Multilateral Organizations monitored by Euroalert.net, we have also published a page with general information related to International Tendering in European Multilateral Organizations, which will be broaden as this section grows. In addition to general information about how this market works, there is also an overview about the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), as well as the European Commission Co-operation Office – EuropeAid, which are a complement to the specific pages where commercial opportunities with these organizations are published:
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