And one of the workshops that we are going to specially cover is B-Creative: Creative industry for restoring growth in Europe's regions, which will take place on 7th October at La Cambre, école nationale supérieure des arts visuels.
This event is organized by Lisbon Regions Network & Partners, and it will underline the potential that cultural and creative industries, such as music, fashion, design, architecture, and gaming, offer for EU's economy and competitiveness. Open Days 2009 aim to facilitate exchange, debate and networking among Europe’s experts and decision-makers in regional and local development from the public, private and financial sector, and creative industry is essential for that growth.
The Lisbon Regions Network is a network of 15 ambitious high performing regions with a shared interest in the delivery of the Lisbon Strategy at regional and local level:

Aquitaine Region, Bratislava Self-Governing Region, Brussels Capital Region, Helsinki Region, Land Hessen, Lisbon & Tagus Valley Region, Regio Randstad, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Riga City and Region, Slovenian Business & Research Association, Sofia Municipality, Stockholm Region, Valencian Region, West Midlands and Wielkopolska Region compose this ambitious group of networked regions.
As innovation is a strong value of Euroalert.net corporate culture, we have always bet on creative industry as a key engine for social and economic development, and even more in 2009, which is the European Year for Creativity and Innovation.
We are really looking forward to assist to B-Creative and share experiences about how people and ideas can create growth in our societies, and how can regional governments give a boost to this development.
Maybe we can meet there? Drop us an email to info@euroalert.net
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