Taking into account that those countries with a higher percentage increase in the number of issued contracts have been represented in green, and that those represented in red are the countries which have published fewer contracts in the third quarter of 2009, it seems that the map on procurement evolution shows some similarities with the one representing the evolution of economic recovery, leaded by France and Germany.
We have used a colour scale based on the percentage change in the announcements published in each country during the 3rd quarter of 2009 over the previous quarter. Thus, green (+30%) represents the maximum increase, which as we said last week, relates to Portugal and Luxembourg, while red (-21%) shows the largest falls, located in the Baltic countries and Slovenia.
When the variation is minimal, the country is coloured in yellow, which, as you can see, is the case of countries such as the United Kingdom, Greece and Italy, where public authorities have published nearly the same number of contracts during the two quarters. Between these data, there is a wide variety of colours illustrating different situations for which we invite you to draw your own conclusions.
To complement the analysis, using the same methodology, we would like to show you this map which represents the evolution of the number of contract awards published in the OJEU in the 27 European Union countries, comparing the third and the fourth quarters of 2009.
Finally, here is an outlook of the distribution by type of contract (public works, supplies and services) of the tender notices issued at European level by public administrations and entities of the 27 EU countries. The highest volume of contract notices relates to service contracts, which, added to the supply ones, represent more than three quarters of the total.
As you can see, there are no large differences between the Union as a whole (EU27) and the 16 Member states within the Euro area (EU16). But beware! the differences between countries are enormous. This is the case, e.g., for data coming from countries such as Spain and Germany which, without even being in the extremes of the series, show volume rates of public works contracts published in the OJEU ranging from 8% to 43.5%.
PS: Next week we will be posting in 10ders Observatory about the data you're all waiting for, the estimates of the aggregate economic value of EU tenders published in the OJEU.
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