Luxembourg and Portugal were the two Member states with the highest increase in the number of tender announcements issued by public administrations and entities, showing figures of 42.64% and 34.17% respectively, while the most important drops in EU27 have been registered in Finland (-21.4%) and Slovenia (-18.90%).
There are also some notorious cases depending on the nature of contracts, such as the fall in public works tender announcements in Bulgaria (-77.42%) or the service contracts notices published in the Czech Republic (-26.39%), as well as the growth in the amount of supply contracts announced in Germany (16.72%) during this period.
Compared with the third quarter of 2008, data for the same period in 2009 show a specially significant growth in the number of contracts announced in Hungary (23.02%) and Germany (20.52%), while the most important falls were registered in Ireland (-23.68%) and Romania (-27.14%).
According to 10ders observatory estimations, and considering all Member States, the amount of contract awards published by EU governments and other public entities in the OJEU rose by 10.78% towards the second quarter of 2009 and by 13.12% towards the 3rd quarter of 2008. This growth registered over the previous quarter of the year was much higher in the Euro area (UE16): 17.35%, being mainly driven by the increase in the award of public works contracts (19.23%) in countries such as Germany (22.74%) and France (30.60%) and despite the fall in Belgium (-4.52%), Ireland (-23.08%) and the Netherlands (-11.11%).

The strong growth in the amount of public procurement contracts awarded in Germany during the 3rd quarter of 2009 (25.94%) in relation to the 2nd quarter of the year, and more particularly the growth in supply contracts awarded in Portugal (41.10%) and service contracts awarded in Austria (38.67%), are in contrast with the declines in the number of contracts awarded both for public works and services in Bulgaria (-39.47% and -55.10% respectively), as well as the strong decrease of supply contracts awarded in Denmark (-40.76%).
Compared with the same period in 2008, Poland shows a significant increase in the number of service contracts awarded (114.24%), while Ireland and Greece stand out for their fall in the award of supply contracts (-40.58%) and public works contracts (-60.42%) respectively.
This is the first post of a series of "Tenders Observatory", where we aim to offer to the Euroalert community some of the main statistics about the evolution of public procurement in Europe, which Euroalert.net publishes and distributes. All these data have been elaborated by our colleagues at 10ders, the customized service of data-mining on public procurement and business opportunities which, thanks to its innovative search technology, is able to customize complex data series at very cost-effective prices.
We hope this new initiative that we have launched with the beginning of the decade will be useful and interesting for you. Of course, if you are interested in more specific data sets you can contact us at info@euroalert.net.
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